School Prospectus
A note on school uniform:
We have tried to make our uniform as affordable for parent's as possible whilst making sure that it is smart and functional.
Most of the items can be purchased from a supermarket. We do request that pupils have one green sweatshirt with the school badge (which can be a supermarket jumper with the badge embroidered by one of our suppliers).
We also ask that pupils have a school T shirt for PE so that their house colours can be identified clearly.
Other optional branded items are available should you wish to purchase them.
Further details are available in our uniform leaflet above.
If your child is entitled to pupil premium the school will contribute £50 per year towards the cost of uniform. Just keep your receipts to make a claim from the school office.
If you would like to purchase second hand uniform please speak to the admins staff at the office. We have a small stock in school and we are exploring options so that we can make it easier to buy and sell secondhand but usable uniform both to keep costs low and to reduce waste.