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Water Orton Primary School

‘Be The Best You Can Be’



Dear Parent / Carer,

If you are enquiring about arrangements for Reception starters in September 2024, please see below. 


If you are trying to secure a place for your child in the current reception classes or other in other year groups, you do need to approach Warwickshire admissions to undertake the formal process. However, please call the school on 0121 747 2851 and ask for Mrs Smith or Mrs Bishop for some initial advice.  Alternatively email admin2618@welearn365 and mark your request as URGENT - Admissions.


There is usually a waiting list for places  We do also occasionally, have a few spaces in some year groups.  We will be able to tell you of we have spaces and how to formally contact admissions.


ADMISSIONS Reception September 2024

UPDATED January 2024


If you are considering applying for places in Reception for 2024 the deadline for onetime applications to the Local Authority has now passed. Please contact the admissions department of the Authority in which you live to find help and advice about what to do if you haven't applied yet. 


For those children who are allocated a place, we will hold a further parent meeting in June 2024 so that you can find out about a little more about school routines, what you need to do to prepare and meet school staff.

if you live in Warwickshire.

if you live in Solihull.


For those parents that need some extra advice and support please look at the Warwickshire admissions website If you cannot find the answer to your question,

the Admissions Team will be available to answer queries as normal, although we ask that enquiries should be via email on, rather than by telephone wherever possible. 


Apply for school places ONLINE with the Local Authority where you live now.


Places are offered by the local authority based on a number of criteria, but most of all how close you live to the school.


Places are highly sought after so, if you live in, or can move to the village, you have a much better chance of success.


Please be sure to contact admissions about any difficulties, well before the cut off date.





