Friday - online English lesson with Miss Thompson at 9:45am and online Maths lesson with Miss Thompson at 11:10am
- Spelling - learn to spell 15 words on your choice on the attached colouring fish - if possible, colour the two fish in (any colours for different scales to produce rainbow effect)
- English - online lesson with Miss Thompson at 9:45am (1 hour) - resources attached too in case cannot attend
- Maths - online lesson with Miss Thompson at 11.10am (1 hour) - resources attached too in case cannot attend
- PSHE - watch
- Guided Reading - complete attached sequencing activity - rewatch the video from Monday if support is needed
- Extras - Big Cat online reading, Times Table Rock Stars Practice, explore various activities on Purple Mash of your choosing, watch CBBC Newsround online, read towards your 'Reading Challenge' and make a good start on your Viking homework in your purple homework book 🙂