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Water Orton Primary School

‘Be The Best You Can Be’


Coleshill School

Dear Parents,


Please see below the information from The Coleshill School about your child’s virtual transition day.


On Wednesday 7th July The Coleshill School will be launching their virtual induction day, this will involve students watching the videos of the following;


1.       Meet the team

2.       Meet the tutor

3.       Tour of The Coleshill School

4.       Pre-recorded Year 7 student Q & A panel


The videos can be found on the following link: Starting Year 7 - The Coleshill School .


These videos will support the transition to secondary school life and will introduce them to key characters that will become familiar faces in September.


In addition to this, The Coleshill School will also be releasing challenges for students to complete over the final weeks of the summer term and into the summer holidays.


Thank you


Mr Plow and Miss Thompson


