If you are a pupil who needs help or support while school is closed or while you are at home isolating please contact us on the e mail address below. An adult in school will read your e mail and do their best to help you.
How our PSHE scheme supports teaching pupils about safeguarding issues
Information to help parents and carers to understand possible safeguarding issues and know how to act and get help.
Self- Harm
Please do talk to us if you are worried that you child might be self-harming. It is very distressing to think that this might happen, but we can signpost you to help and support.
Home alone or out alone...... when is the right time to give your child this responsibility?
Water Orton Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Water Orton Primary School recognises the responsibility they have under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
This Policy sets out how the school’s Governing Bodies discharge their statutory responsibilities relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children who are pupils at the schools. It takes into account new legislation from the document: Keeping Children Safe in Education May 2014
In April 2014, the DfE updated the statutory guidance on safeguarding. Click the links above to find more information about;
* Full guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education
*Further details of the school's Keeping Children safe in Education Policy can be
found in the school Policy.
The school is proud to take part in Operation Encompass along with local police forces. This is a system that allows communication between the police force and school should a child in our care be involved in an incident of domestic violence.
Please see the letter below for further details.
Opperation Encompass
At Water Orton Primary we strive to provide a caring ethos where everyone in the school community feels safe, confident, valued and respected. By promoting an environment where everyone can live and work together in a supportive way enables all to reach their full potential, emotionally, socially and intellectually.
The primary aim of our behaviour policy is to promote good behaviour. We have school rules and the staff do not ignore unacceptable behaviour, but having high expectations, being good role models and rewarding pupils enables us to promote positive behaviour.
The aim of the Water Orton Primary School anti-bullying policy is to prevent bullying of any sort and to ensure that everyone can operate in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. All members of the community, including Trustees, teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is and be familiar with the School policy on bullying: therefore the aim of the policy is to help members of the school community to deal with bullying when it occurs and, even more importantly, to prevent it.
Bullying is an anti-social behaviour which affects everyone; it is unacceptable and it will not be tolerated. Everyone in the community has a responsibility to report any incident of bullying that comes to their attention and these reports will always be taken seriously.
Technology and communications are rapidly changing and becoming more sophisticated, with this change comes new ways of being unsafe and feeling threatened. E- Safety has become a very important issue that is essential to address in school throughout different areas of the curriculum, to ensure that all children and adults remain safe and in control when using technology.
This could be through using computers, tablets or having access to the internet through mobile phones.
*Further details can be found in the school's E-Safety Policy.